Aftercare is for Everyone: The Importance of Post-Intimacy Reassurance

One of the best ways to connect with your partner is to participate in Aftercare. After minutes (or hours if you've been using our male or female libido enhancement vitamins) of acrobatics, riding, and throat goat shenanigans , Aftercare is like the icing on the cake. And it's important for any and all types of intimate relationships
Why is After Care Important?
Aftercare builds trust, emotional vulnerability, and is a great time to discuss what went well. You may notice that a lack of Aftercare may leave you to feel less connected to your partner and or even shame. According to research, almost 50% of men and women experience "post-coital dysphoria". Scientists are still exploring the factors that cause this post-intimacy sadness/melancholy but they are sure that hormonal factors are at play.
Ways to Participate in Aftercare:
- Playing with each other's hair
- Cuddling
- Back rubs
- Talking about your favorite part of the experience/Words of Affirmation
- Watching Netflix together and laughing
- Sharing a meal, cooking for one another
- Bubble baths
- Pillow talk
Whether you like to be tied to the ceiling fan or appreciate the more vanilla bean variety, Aftercare is a must.